Tuesday, November 11, 2014

City Boys on Local Exchange- Power Lifts in the gym to Power Jumps on the mat

The rugby season is over and it has been reported that more and more City Boys are reclining back into the enclaves that are GSRs and the Li Ka Shing Library. It was been noticed however, in the weeks that past after the SUNIG games, a certain group of players took part in a "local exchange program" to maintain their match fitness and rugby prowess. 

We all know how the technical aspect of the game has changed in the last decade and little things like grip strength during a line out and even finishing moves upon a try celebration can make the difference between a glorious win or a tragic loss.

SMUrugbyNews conducted a study and went down on the mats to find out more about this inaugural exchange program and how it can reap benefits far beyond the original intentions.

             Tackling techniques being applied, the double tackle

From the empirical research, we observed many trends and similarities between the techniques used, as seen above - the double tackle being executed perfectly(with the safety of the mat of course)

Other findings include obvious positive psychological aspects, where our players on exchange noted how there were "prettier faces at practice" (M. Ang, 2014) and "eh the skirts are cute" (V. Thomas, 2014). 

This positive increase in morale can be accounted to the change in environment and inclusion of females to the previously male dominated training setting of Turf City that The City Boys are used to. 

We are aware that there were limitations to this study, as this exchange program has only been going on for a few weeks.

Our first limitation draws upon this exact time factor, as perception and actual thoughts from the City boys may differ if observations were conducted over a longer time frame.

The second limitation would be the attire our City Boys wore as they took part in the exchange program. Fashion and Fad sociologist, Avinash Raju has proven that choice of clothing does make a significant difference in ones performance and how they actually present themselves in a public setting.

This new attire may have added response bias to our research, as theorised above. We do not deny that the City Boys on exchange are looking good as they kit up though!

                Standard attire during the Exchange Program

That is all the time we have for this busy and hectic Week 13, stay tuned for a more detailed study on this exchange program in time to come as we try to battle and overcome the limitations mentioned above!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

That perfect #OOTD & Social Media - A guide by Avinash

                                          Behind the scenes

#OOTD, #WIWT, #INSTAFASHION, THE LIST GOES ON! We have all seen and occasionally posted images on our social media outlets that have these exact hashtags, whether we like to admit it or not, we are all guilty of taking part in this necessary evil.

#OOTD or Outfit of The Day for those who have been living in the caves Li Ka Shing Library's dungeons has become popular of late. Especially within The City Boys camp where star winger and fashionista, Avinash has been labelled the epitome of the #OOTD.

                                         Avinash and a car

SMURugbyNews is grateful and fortunate to get a chance to speak to Avinash despite his busy schedule about this phenomena taking over the social media world like wildfire.

SMURugbyNews: So Avi, tell us more about this #OOTD craze

Avinash: Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a craze. I see it as more of a norm. How else can the world see what I wear everyday.

SMURugbyNews: Interesting! How do you recommend newcomers who plan to enter this #OOTD world

Avinash: I would ask them to look at my posts on Instagram for starters. In terms of outfits, I would recommend mixing it up, never do a back to back denim day, or back to back berms day. Mix up shirts and shorts, jeans and shirts, just stay fabulous!

SMURugbyNews: How about during the season? Don't you wear the same jersey every game?

Avinash: Maybe we could get customised kits depending on the day of the week and who we play against. This is something I would leave for further discussion but when it comes to game time, it is about the player and team.. not the kit(ok maybe a little bit)

                                          Avinash in a car

We would like to thank Avinash again for his time, please read on to check out this customised guide made by the Fashion Maestro himself about perfecting that #OOTD and getting the likes on Instagram and Facebook.

Avinash's Guide to #OOTD

  • Angles, angles and angles
  • Stay clear from busy backgrounds
  • Find a reliable photographer(or hire one)
  • ONLY post your pictures at 10pm
  • Don't wear the same thing twice in 2 years
  • Filters are important
  • Stay good looking